October 21, 2024
Brazilian Escorts Supplying Hezbullah With Cocaine Preparing Shipment to Berlin; Doxx American Investigators Putting Their Lives at Risk
Business Europe GCC Latin America News

Brazilian Escorts Supplying Hezbullah With Cocaine Preparing Shipment to Berlin; Doxx American Investigators Putting Their Lives at Risk

The story has it all: drug dealers, international intrigue, prostitutes, Austrian princes, terrorists, a Lebanese Palestinian clan, former football players, undercover authorities, audio recordings, secret meetings, hackers, and blackmail.

All of these elements are brought together by a group of Brazilian escorts and their associates, including the former escort Gabriela König, and others. Their unscrupulous activities caught the attention of the US intelligence resulting in the “Wag Madrina” operation, referring to the “Godmother” of cocaine smuggling, the Brazilian drug runner Luma Mattityahu (Beyer), who, along with a network of associates – who include prostitutes and hackers – receives the product from Peru and transfers it from Brazil to Germany, to be sold by the members of the notorious Abou-Chaker Clan. The women affiliated with Madrina, transport the drugs in their breasts and other parts by way of surgical insertion.

Assisting with the investigation is a number of private firms which provide support to the local law enforcement and investigators from abroad. While in the process of working out cooperation agreement, some of which are already moving forward with several witnesses and informants, some of these private investigators found their lives turned upside down when Gabriela König and her associates, started doxxing them and disseminating information about them and their families on social media. Given that the Abou-Chaker Clan, for which Luma Beyer delivers drugs is a close associate of Hezbullah, these actions put their lives at risk, and may result in additional criminal charges. While König is reportedly no longer actively involved in cocaine smuggling or prostitution, her assistance in protecting Luma Beyer may ultimately destroy her own life away from the network’s activity that she had chosen. Unbeknownst to her, several cooperating witnesses stepped forward to give information about the case, including concerning König’s dissemination of information about the US investigators. Even with her efforts to provide assistance to Luma, the scheme is coming apart at the seams thanks to the cooperation of these informants.

The Abou-Chaker Clan is a Lebanese Palestinian extended family known for racketeering, drugs and arms dealing, money laundering, robbery, theft, pimping, and involvement in violent assaults and other violent crimes. One of their most notorious associations, is the Iran-backed Hezbullah, which plays a crucial role in Lebanon’s government and has built a financial empire on narcotrafficking around the world. The clan originates in a Palestinian refugee camp in Baalbek, a Lebanese city also known for its Hezbullah control and drug trafficking.  The family, which now constitutes approximately 300 members, originally fled to Germany in the 1970s. The clan is infamous for antisemitism and also has close ties to the German gangsta rapper Bushido, whose lyrics are known for far-right sentiments, misogyny, antisemitism, and anti-Americanism. In the past, some of the family members were arrested for allegedly plotting to abduct Bushido’s children. More recently, as Bild Zeitung and Business Insider reveal, some of the Abou-Chaker brothers may have been plotting to murder Bushido.

Arafat and Abdallah Abou-Chaker have come to play leading roles in the clan structure as of late. Abdullah is currently imprisoned, but Arafat has been largely able to escape justice. Luma Beyer, in addition to her formal role, was also Abdallah’s girlfriend, until he was arrested for rape in Moabit and jailed while he is awaiting deportation to Lebanon. The controlled buy busts in the course of the operation Wag Madrina finally brought him under the scrutiny of the US federal agents.  But Arafat and Abdullah handle the Brazilian end of the deals; Nasser Abou-Chaker hands over the ill-begotten gains to Hezbullah Unlike Arafat and Abdallah, Nasser has a clean image that makes acceptable to Hezbullah; he does not handle cocaine or prostitutes.

The drug operations, according to the DEA documents cited in Bild and the BI, are covered by a foundation owned by a former Bundesliga football player, a former Chelsea FC star in London. It, too, is now being investigated for drug trafficking. While the Foundation Kalou (owned by Salomon Kalou) is registered in Netherlands, it operates and does charity work in Ivory Coast, where part of the drug smuggling takes place and then distributed in smaller quantities to other countries, including Germany. Publicly, the Kalou Foundation is supposed to provide assistance to kidney patients and orphans, but in reality it is a thinly veiled cover for Beyer’s ring.

Audio recordings of the DEA agents involved in the controlled buy bust from the Beyer-Abou-Chaker network and made available to the author, corroborate the Bild and Business Insider articles.

The Abou-Chakers are likewise operating internationally, including in Denmark. They don’t just sell drugs on the streets but provide high quality product to equally high end clients such as Austrian princes, descendants of the local former royalty, in the Kaluma hotel.

Luma Beyer flamboyantly boasted of her ties to the Foundation on social media, proudly posing in Ivory Coast, Dubai, and other location, including with Kalou’s wife and some of her own drug runners. Kalou is not the only athlete involved in this scheme. Leandro Barros, who plays for Union Berlin, is a third rate bench player in constant need of extra cash, so he got a side gig delivering drugs for Luma.  Luma and her associates became known as “wags” because they chase soccer players. Luma reportedly “stole” Barros from one of her former associates, previously an escort and a hacker.

Previously Beyer was previously married to Michael Kojo Essien, a Ghanaian football player and is currently a member of Danish Superliga club FC Nordsjælland‘s coaching staff.

The women went around the world flaunting their ill-begotten wealth – drug money that is ultimately going to Hezbullah – on social media.

That associate came to the authorities attention after ending up in Germany following her drug runs following a breast injury incurred in the process of drug smuggling.  She had “complications” after her paid trip to Brazil, covered by Luma, where she got the breast implants. Only one specialist in the area in Berlin can help her with that problem. She landed in Germany via London in January. The associate is wanted in connection to her cocaine smuggling activities in multiple countries – she transported for Luma from Rio, Marbella, and Amsterdam to Berlin.

That associate is more than just a mule.  She and Luma worked for an escort service, Escort in Berlin, and formally, she was listed as Frontend developer at Nteam, where Luma was also listed. She experienced unwelcome advances from her former boss at Nteam, Markus Schnopp, who knew her role and wanted more out of her.  This is the company where Beyer’s ex-colleague had used to hack her marks at the escort service and then to blackmail and extort them for exorbitant sums of money. Police investigations show that that many men’s credit cards were cloned by Luma Beyer and her associate through technology used by Nteam.

Gabriela König was once another hacker involved in Beyer’s activities. In addition to her past hacking adventures, she now has a case against her in the US and Germany for her attempted doxxing of the American investigators who were contracted to investigate her partner in crime Luma Beyer.

Another known associate of Luma Beyer and her network went by “IndubioProJulia”, who came under the radar as a result of being seen in that company.

Audio surveillance from intelligence sources shows that the team is continuing its operations despite coming under scrutiny from law enforcement. They are organizing a shipment of cocaine from Rio to Berlin in the upcoming weeks. Anonymous sources from the Policia Federal in Rio de Janeiro, Luma is preparing a trip to smuggle cocaine to share the proceeds with Nasser Abou-Chaker for Hezbullah as part of a planned trafficking scheme, with the assistance of several escorts from Brazil, and other former Berlin couriers like Gabriela König.

Will the Abou Chaker clan continue getting away with conspiracies, racketeering, and financing a terrorist organization? OR will the upcoming smuggling operation finally put an end to their hold in Europe?

Just as importantly, will hackers, escorts, and drug smugglers get away with endangering the lives of the American investigators working to uncover cocaine smuggling networks that funds the worst of the worst – Hezbullah? Or will the justice system finally draw a line at these efforts to endanger investigators and their families and hold all involved criminally liable for the doxxing?