October 21, 2024
Morocco: The African Champion
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Morocco: The African Champion

By Professor Amine Laghidi

With the beginning of this new year 2022 the Kingdom of Morocco confirms its position as the African Champion and a true engaged locomotive for peace and economic development in Africa and the world.

After a perfect score management of the pandemic since the very 1st days of the start of the COVID19 crisis, thanks to His Majesty King Mohamed VI High vision and Leadership, the country scored high by been the African champion in vaccination, consolidated this strategic position by being the 1st country in the continent to build local vaccine capabilities and a dedicated factory for its own needs and also for the needs of Africa. The concrete and early support shown by the kingdom toward other African nations is exemplary, medical aids and advanced machinery locally produced and developed was sent by air cargo since the 1st weeks of the pandemic to confirm what was known: Africa’s development is a priority of the flourishing and open Moroccan Foreign Policy.

Today, the country is highly regarded and its medical system highly respected within the continent and beyond, as public administration and as private sector as well.

And from that strong branding and good reputation emerges new opportunities for the Moroccan Entrepreneurs within the pharmaceutical industry but also for Medical Sector.

Recently a Moroccan Leading Holding, METEC Diagnostic Group, signed a 1st PPP contract in its kind with the government of Guinea Bissau, the project is so creative and adapted to the African needs that it can be reproduced in other African countries.

The PPP includes the realization of new era imagery MRI and city scanner center with online and in-situ Diagnostic capabilities allowing the citizens of Bissau a secure access to top notch diagnosis benefiting from the expertise of a wide range of internationally recognized doctors. This project is also the fruit of the mutual respect and close collaboration with local competent authorities and administration.

The project includes the design, engineering, construction, procurement, and equipment of a new multi-modality hospital offering modern Healthcare capabilities.

The Good Brand, strong local knowledge and close relations with key local actors is another strength that Moroccan companies enjoy within the African continent thanks to decades of strong, sustainable investment and mutual value and job creation under His Majesty King Mohamed VI High Vision.

In another hand this year seems to be a positive year in many aspects, including the discovery of important Gas reserves by British companies in the East and recently on the offshore west of the Kingdom, by the coast of the Legendary city of Lixus / Larache Namely the home of the garden of the hesperides keystone in the Hellenic mythology. Last discovery was made by Chariot Oil and Gas company.

These discoveries come to consolidate the situation of the country as key producer of green electricity (solar, water, wind) in the Mediterranean area and main exporter of electricity to Europe out of the African Continent.

This discovery also will come to support the Nigeria Morocco Gas pipeline aiming to provide Europe with a sustainable and reliable gas supply.

Gas discoveries means more Fertilizers production, ammonium being made out of gas, and a key intrant together with Phosphates (Key Ingredient), Sulfur, Nitrates and Potassium for the production of performant Fertilizers that contribute to Global Food Security and the development of the agricultural production in the world.

Morocco today is a key exporter of quality fruits vegetables but also fisheries to UK, USA, Middle East, Africa, and Europe.

3 key sectors then, 3 leverages of development and investment in the country and the continent to be followed closely: Health Pharma & Medical, energy, food & agriculture.

By Prof. Amine Laghidi

International Expert in Economic Diplomacy and Development Strategies.

President African Mining and Energy Council.

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