July 24, 2024
Europe GCC MENA News Middle East Opinion Politics Russia

Islamists (HUGIN) take the reign: who are the Europeans helping the Saudi Old Guard, Qatar and Russia to neutralize the Crown Prince MOHAMMED BIN SALMAN?

By João Emanuel Lemos Esteves The Islamists are growing their influence right at the heart of the European Union power structures – with the full support of Russian intelligence services and Chinese Communist Party’s financial backing. Portugal is, at one time, a sufficiently discrete country and a nice one that people look at with tenderness – two […]

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Europe GCC Iran Israel MENA News Middle East North America Opinion Politics

HUGIN (und Munin): the alarming anti-semitism promoted by Iran-Saudi Old Guard (salafism) in Portugal

by João Emanuel Lemos Esteves The rampant anti-semitism in Portuguese society is growing stronger by the day – this trend has been especially significant since socialist-communist António Costa took over the Portuguese government in a broad coalition with far-left parties (namely, the Portuguese communist party). But António Costa is not only a socialist-communist politician – […]

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Iran Israel MENA News Middle East Opinion Politics

What does the Biden administration know about Sinwar that It hasn’t told Israel?

by Giovanni Giacalone The Biden administration has reportedly offered to give Israel “sensitive intelligence” on the whereabouts of senior Hamas leaders if it agrees to hold off on the major military operation in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah. The Washington Post quoted four unnamed sources as saying that the United States “is offering Israel valuable […]

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Iran MENA News Middle East News Opinion Politics

New Paradigms in the Ongoing War in the Middle East

by Rustam Taghizade New paradigms in the ongoing war in the Middle East. The war between Israel and Hamas has been going on since 7 October 2023. During this war, the political tension between Israel and Iran has reached its peak. Israel mobilised all its forces in the war against Hamas, Iran’s proxy force. Israel […]

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Europe MENA News Middle East News Opinion Politics

How Italy became a hotbed for Palestinian extremism and terrorism

by Giovanni Giacalone The ruling of the Appeal Court of L’Aquila which rejected the extradition of Palestinian terrorist and al-Aqsa Brigade ringleader Yaeesh Anan should not be interpreted as an isolated case, but should rather be included in a series of strange events that have occurred in Italy starting immediately after the October 7th massacre […]

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Europe Israel MENA News Middle East Politics

The shady case of Yaeesh Anan, the al-Aqsa Brigade ring-leader active for years in Italy

by Giovanni Giacalone In early January of 2024, the Israeli authorities requested the extradition of al-Aqsa Brigades terrorist Anan Yaeesh, 37, originally from Nablus and a leader of the “Tulkarem Unit”. Israeli authorities had been after Anan for quite some time, since he first reached Europe, precisely Norway, back in 2013 where he tried to […]

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Africa Iran MENA News Middle East News Politics

Sisi’s Egypt Strikes Balance Over Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan Relations

by John Rossomando Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi’s government has not shifted its antipathy toward the Muslim Brotherhood despite its realpolitik outreach to the Sudanese dictatorship of General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan. The Egyptian leadership is making an strategic mistake by supporting the Muslim brotherhood wing in Sudan. This fanatic sect is an international organization which […]

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Europe GCC Iran Israel MENA News Middle East Opinion Politics

The enemy within and the lack of courage by the West: Why They Don’t Want to Touch the Islamists

by Giovanni Giacalone On Saturday October 21st massive pro-Palestinian demonstrations took place in London with slogans invoking “jihad”, the “Dawlat al-Islam” (the Islamic State)  and other hate chants such as “Lanaat Allah ala al-Kufar” (May Allah curses be on infidels) and “Lannat Allah ala al-Yahood” (May Allah curses be upon the Jews). In a video […]

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Europe Iran Israel MENA News Middle East News

Palestinian leader in Italy calls Hamas’ crimes against humanity “self-defense”. Pictures of him with Khaled Meshaal and Ismail Haniyeh only make things worse.

by Giovanni Giacalone In the afternoon of October 10th 2023 in Milan’s very central Piazza Mercanti, less than 100 meters from the famous Duomo square, a pro-Palestinian sit-in took place; one of the many throughout Europe that were organized against Israel’s military response to Hamas. However, something that did not go unnoticed is the fact […]

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GCC MENA News Middle East Opinion

The Arab dream of Bashar El Assad

by Mustapha Tossa Under the starry sky of Damascus, Syrian President Bashar El Assad must have only one dream after living more than a decade of solitude. A descent from his presidential plane at the airport in Riyadh, welcomed with great pomp by the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed Ben Salman. With the honors of a […]

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