October 21, 2024
Europe GCC Israel MENA News Middle East News Politics Southeast Asia

Germany: more than 2,000 Islamists demonstrate in Hamburg to call for the establishment of a caliphate

by Stefano Piazza On Saturday, the Islamist group Muslim Interaktiv organized a new mobilization in the German city of Hamburg to call for the establishment of a caliphate. More than 2,000 people participated Saturday, Oct. 12, in Hamburg in a mobilization in favor of the establishment of a caliphate and the imposition of Sharia law. […]

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Caucasus GCC Iran Israel MENA News Middle East

What are the likely future developments in the political relationship between Israel, Hezbollah and Iran? Analysis of the impact of these processes on Azerbaijan.

by Rustam Taghizade The ongoing political situation in the Middle East is currently entering a more tense phase. Iran, a garrison state, aspires to leverage its regional influence to launch further attacks against Israel through proxy forces, while simultaneously maintaining a state of conflict with the Jewish state. It is the deployment of proxy forces […]

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Europe GCC MENA News Middle East Opinion Politics Russia

Islamists (HUGIN) take the reign: who are the Europeans helping the Saudi Old Guard, Qatar and Russia to neutralize the Crown Prince MOHAMMED BIN SALMAN?

By João Emanuel Lemos Esteves The Islamists are growing their influence right at the heart of the European Union power structures – with the full support of Russian intelligence services and Chinese Communist Party’s financial backing. Portugal is, at one time, a sufficiently discrete country and a nice one that people look at with tenderness – two […]

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Europe GCC Iran Israel MENA News Middle East North America Opinion Politics

HUGIN (und Munin): the alarming anti-semitism promoted by Iran-Saudi Old Guard (salafism) in Portugal

by João Emanuel Lemos Esteves The rampant anti-semitism in Portuguese society is growing stronger by the day – this trend has been especially significant since socialist-communist António Costa took over the Portuguese government in a broad coalition with far-left parties (namely, the Portuguese communist party). But António Costa is not only a socialist-communist politician – […]

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GCC Middle East Opinion

Who Is The Real Defense Minister of Saudi Arabia?

Is the new Deputy Defense Minister Prince Abdulrahman Al-Muqrin a potential contender for the Saudi throne? by Irina Tsukerman Can normalization with Iran alone fully explain the sudden change in Saudi policy from a combination of defense assertiveness and diplomatic engagement to complete docility? The signs that an interest in appeasing Tehran played a major […]

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Europe GCC Iran Israel MENA News Middle East Opinion Politics

The enemy within and the lack of courage by the West: Why They Don’t Want to Touch the Islamists

by Giovanni Giacalone On Saturday October 21st massive pro-Palestinian demonstrations took place in London with slogans invoking “jihad”, the “Dawlat al-Islam” (the Islamic State)  and other hate chants such as “Lanaat Allah ala al-Kufar” (May Allah curses be on infidels) and “Lannat Allah ala al-Yahood” (May Allah curses be upon the Jews). In a video […]

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GCC MENA News Middle East Opinion

The Arab dream of Bashar El Assad

by Mustapha Tossa Under the starry sky of Damascus, Syrian President Bashar El Assad must have only one dream after living more than a decade of solitude. A descent from his presidential plane at the airport in Riyadh, welcomed with great pomp by the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed Ben Salman. With the honors of a […]

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GCC MENA News Middle East Opinion

UAE and International Monetary Fund Meetings

by Maria Maalouf The spring meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund for 2023 are upon us. The world is still looking for ways to mitigate the repercussions of the Corona pandemic, which has exhausted the global economy. The international economic crisis has heightened in light of the catastrophic effects of […]

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Africa GCC MENA News Middle East News

Who – and What – Is Behind the Deadly Clashes in Sudan?

by Scott Morgan   April 15th, 2023 was the date of an event that was shocking but sadly not surprising. Gunfire erupted between two factions of the Sudanese Military. They are the Army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF. So how did we get here?   We have to go back to April 2019 to […]

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Business Europe GCC Middle East Opinion

The Emirates and Europe, A Sustainable Relationship

The Emirates and Europe a sustainable relationship by: Maria Maalouf Whoever observes the movement of Emirati diplomacy concludes that he is in front of a hive of bees that does not tire and does not get bored, achieving results without being distracted by a lot of words, as it is a diplomacy of actions, not […]

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