July 23, 2024
Europe GCC MENA News Middle East Opinion Politics Russia

Islamists (HUGIN) take the reign: who are the Europeans helping the Saudi Old Guard, Qatar and Russia to neutralize the Crown Prince MOHAMMED BIN SALMAN?

By João Emanuel Lemos Esteves The Islamists are growing their influence right at the heart of the European Union power structures – with the full support of Russian intelligence services and Chinese Communist Party’s financial backing. Portugal is, at one time, a sufficiently discrete country and a nice one that people look at with tenderness – two […]

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Europe News Opinion Politics Southeast Asia

ABSURD! The case of Bologna’s Pakistani preacher, Zulfiqar Khan, is becoming increasingly serious.

by Giovanni Giacalone Not only the attacks on Jews, Israel, the United States, homosexuals, King Hussein of Jordan, MPs and unaligned Italian journalists, but also against a former Muslim Italian/Egyptian intellectual and MEP who converted to Christianity and who is under police protection. Why are the Italian authorities procrastinating a much-needed intervention? Khan’s events timeline […]

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Europe Israel News Politics Southeast Asia

The imam of Bologna’s antisemite statements became an issue for the Italian government, but no action has been taken yet. Why?

By Giovanni Giacalone The case involving Zulfiqar Khan, the Pakistani Islamist preacher who, for months, has been using the pulpit of his Bologna-based Islamic center to spread hateful language against the Jews, the Israelites (a term sometimes used by extremists to avoid antisemitic accusations), the United States, Israel, and King Abdullah of Jordan, as well […]

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Europe Iran Israel Middle East Politics

Are the doors of anti-Jewish, anti-Israeli, and anti-US hatred still open in Italy?

by Giovanni Giacalone In December of 2021, an article that included documents, published by the Italian online newspaper “Il Riformista“, revealed new and dreadful information on the attack against the Great Synagogue of Rome on October 9th, 1982. The attack, perpetrated with automatic firearms and hand grenades by a Palestinian terrorist cell belonging to the […]

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Europe Israel News Politics

Major embarrassment: Bologna’s Pakistani imam hails Hamas from the pulpit and accuses President Biden of pedophilia. What are the Italian authorities waiting for to take action?

by Giovanni Giacalone On May 26th, 2024, the Pakistani Tablighi preacher of the Bologna-based Iqraa Islamic Center made a public statement, during a sermon, glorifying Hamas: “This little warrior, a group of people called Hamas. They made it clear to the world that these are cowards (Israel, Zionists), they can’t do anything against men, they […]

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Europe GCC Iran Israel MENA News Middle East North America Opinion Politics

HUGIN (und Munin): the alarming anti-semitism promoted by Iran-Saudi Old Guard (salafism) in Portugal

by João Emanuel Lemos Esteves The rampant anti-semitism in Portuguese society is growing stronger by the day – this trend has been especially significant since socialist-communist António Costa took over the Portuguese government in a broad coalition with far-left parties (namely, the Portuguese communist party). But António Costa is not only a socialist-communist politician – […]

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Europe News Opinion Politics

Italy accuses Israel of overdoing it in Rafah, but it does nothing to stop pro-Hamas preachers on its soil

by Giovanni Giacalone “I have the impression that Israel is sowing hatred that will involve children and grandchildren”. These are the absurd words coming from the Italian Defense Minister, Guido Crosetto, who also added on SkyTg24: “Hamas is one thing, the Palestinian people are another. They had to discern between the two things and make […]

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Iran Israel MENA News Middle East Opinion Politics

What does the Biden administration know about Sinwar that It hasn’t told Israel?

by Giovanni Giacalone The Biden administration has reportedly offered to give Israel “sensitive intelligence” on the whereabouts of senior Hamas leaders if it agrees to hold off on the major military operation in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah. The Washington Post quoted four unnamed sources as saying that the United States “is offering Israel valuable […]

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Africa North America Opinion Politics

Nigeria Renews Calls for Intelligence Sharing with US

by Scott Morgan   The visit on May 1st to Nigeria by Jennifer Zakriski the Assistant Secretary of Defense for African Affairs yielded a very interesting result from the Nigerian Ministry of Defense.   During the meeting the host the State Minister of Defense Dr. Bello Muhammed Matawalle made an inquiry about how the two […]

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Eurasia Opinion Politics South Caucasus

The importance of the VI World Forum for Intercultural Dialogue discussions on “Dialogue for Peace and Global Security”.

by Rustam Taghizadeh On 1 May, the opening ceremony of the 6th World Forum for Intercultural Dialogue on “Dialogue for Peace and Global Security” was held at the Baku Congress Centre. President Ilham Aliyev delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the Forum. The Forum is organised by the Government of Azerbaijan in partnership […]

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