July 26, 2024
Business Europe GCC Middle East Opinion

The Emirates and Europe, A Sustainable Relationship

The Emirates and Europe a sustainable relationship by: Maria Maalouf Whoever observes the movement of Emirati diplomacy concludes that he is in front of a hive of bees that does not tire and does not get bored, achieving results without being distracted by a lot of words, as it is a diplomacy of actions, not […]

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Business GCC News Weekly Top Videos

Decrypting Cryptocurrency: Technology, Policy, Strategy

The Washington Outsider’s Decrypting Cryptocurrency: Technology, Policy, Strategy with Saeed Aldarmaki (Founder & CEO of Sheesha Finance Special Advisor of CasperLabs Co-Founder of Alphabit Digital Currency Fund, Partner, Jahani & Associates) and Todd “TW” White (Managing Partner of Washington, DC-based RWGS, Founder, American Blockchain PAC, policy specialist in Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, Former Bloomberg […]

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Business Europe GCC Latin America News

Brazilian Escorts Supplying Hezbullah With Cocaine Preparing Shipment to Berlin; Doxx American Investigators Putting Their Lives at Risk

The story has it all: drug dealers, international intrigue, prostitutes, Austrian princes, terrorists, a Lebanese Palestinian clan, former football players, undercover authorities, audio recordings, secret meetings, hackers, and blackmail. All of these elements are brought together by a group of Brazilian escorts and their associates, including the former escort Gabriela König, and others. Their unscrupulous […]

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Business MENA News

Air Transport: Cooperation agreement between RAM and EL AL

Morocco and Israel sign a new cooperation agreement. Moroccan airlines, Royal Air Maroc (RAM) and Israeli airlines El Al have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoU), aimed at governing their relations to offer the best services to their customers, announces a press release from the Moroccan national company. The agreement was signed by Avigal Soreq, […]

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Business MENA News Opinion

The Future of the Middle East Energy Trade following the Abraham Accord

By Dr. Frank Musmar The historical peace agreement and full normalization of relations between Israel and the Gulf States could lead to more substantial economic, political, technology, health care, education, tourism, and cultural ties between the countries’ governments and their people. Moreover, the Accord is the foundation to expand energy trade from the Gulf States […]

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