July 25, 2024
Africa North America Opinion Politics

Nigeria Renews Calls for Intelligence Sharing with US

by Scott Morgan   The visit on May 1st to Nigeria by Jennifer Zakriski the Assistant Secretary of Defense for African Affairs yielded a very interesting result from the Nigerian Ministry of Defense.   During the meeting the host the State Minister of Defense Dr. Bello Muhammed Matawalle made an inquiry about how the two […]

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Africa News Opinion Politics

Problematic Legislation Sheds Light on Authoritarian Political Trends in South Africa

by Scott Morgan On March 19, 2024 Nalendi Pandor the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation for South Africa was in Washington in a visit that designed to mend fences that have been tarnished over the last few years over policy matters. During one of her discussions the minister made some interesting statements regarding the […]

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Africa Iran MENA News Middle East News Politics

Sisi’s Egypt Strikes Balance Over Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan Relations

by John Rossomando Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi’s government has not shifted its antipathy toward the Muslim Brotherhood despite its realpolitik outreach to the Sudanese dictatorship of General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan. The Egyptian leadership is making an strategic mistake by supporting the Muslim brotherhood wing in Sudan. This fanatic sect is an international organization which […]

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Africa News Opinion Politics

RED Tabara: A New Geopolitical Risk in Africa Arises in Burundi

by Scott Morgan The situation in the Great Lakes region of Africa is one of the major Geopolitical Risks that will continue into 2024. We saw evidence of that on December 23, 2023 with another attack taking place.   On that date the Burundian Militant Group Red Tabara launched an attack upon the village of […]

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Africa Europe News North America Russia

Is a Private US Military Company Moving to CAR to displace Wagner?

by Scott Morgan The reports that the American Private Military Company Bancroft was having conversations with President Toudene of the Central African Republic regarding a potential move into the country.   There are several interesting and tantalizing questions that deserve to be asked. The first question is why now? There are two trains of thought […]

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Africa News Opinion

A Gamechanger in the Horn

by Scott Morgan The announcement made on New Year’s Day that Ethiopia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Somaliland covering several areas may have created the first major geopolitical risk of the year 2024. There is a copious amount of information to glean through to determine what is fact from fiction however there […]

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Africa News Opinion Politics

What’s Behind the Mali-Algeria Fallout?

by Scott Morgan One of the best ways to describe events that took place in the Sahel was that the region slouched from crisis to crisis in 2023.   What shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone was the interconnectivity of the events that took place in the region. For the year three events dominated what […]

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Africa News Opinion Politics

Will Ghana Be The Next African Country To Undergo A Coup?

by Scott Morgan The Security Challenges in the Sahel are continuing the trajectory of moving southwards towards the Gulf of Guinea. And it appears that a new flashpoint may be arising as well. Attention has been focused on the Northern part of Ghana. This should not come as no surprise. In December 2022 Ghanaian President […]

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New Hate Crime Bill in South Africa Sparks Controversy

by Scott Morgan There is a piece of legislation in the South African Parliament that is creating some controversy as it is revealed to the population of the country. The item that is in question is Bill B9-2018 or the Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill was first published on March […]

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Africa Opinion Politics Russia

The Niger Junta’s Hypocrisy on Military Aid: The Appeal to Guinea

by Scott Morgan When pertaining to sudden and often violent changes in government there is a train of thought that suggests that it’s not important who carried out the event but who paid for it. This scenario appears to be underway in Niger and it became quite clear after the Military Junta sent a delegation […]

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