October 22, 2024
Statement following the arrests in the village of Babaabé in southern Mauritania on November 28, 2021.
MENA News Opinion

Statement following the arrests in the village of Babaabé in southern Mauritania on November 28, 2021.

During the day of November 28, 2021 in the village of Babaabé, the Mauritanian police forces viciously attacked peaceful demonstrators who came to demand justice on the extrajudicial executions committed on Black Fulani soldiers in 1990, these were for the most part family members of the victims that were killed in the 1990’, who took to the street along with other Mauritanians seeking justice for these senseless killings. Since 1990 November 28 has stopped being an Independence Day, has become a day of mourning for the thousands of Black Mauritanians that are yet to get justice for their loved ones that were killed in the 1980’ and 1990’,but most importantly for the families of the 28 Black Fulani soldiers that were numbered and hanged on the night of November 27 through November 28 1990 to celebrate the Independence that year.

Video testimonies received from the victims and their loved ones in the village of Babaabe showed that the Mauritanian police officers arrested 5 Black Fulani young men that were peacefully protesting, taking them to the local police station, and subjected them to horrible torture that sustained many injuries, including loss of 5 teeth a broken leg and hand for one young man, broken legs and hands for the other ones, other injuries were also sustained for the other protesters.  

 This incredible violence against peaceful and defenseless demonstrators is unacceptable and its perpetrators should be held accountable.  Freedom of assembly is a right in Mauritania that is guaranteed by the constitution.

 With this declaration, the Mauritanian Network for Human Rights calls on the concerned authorities to be aware of their responsibilities in the face of such atrocities.

In the light of the atrocities cited above, we are informing the Mauritanian Interior Ministry Dr Mohamed Ould Merzoug, the local leader or Hakem of Babaabe Sidi Ould Sidi Boulkheir, and his Assistant Hakem Mohamed Ould Sidi Hady ,as well as the police chief Mohamed Ould Sidid Hady and the two police officers that directly committed these heinous acts, that we hold them responsible for these crimes, and that the  Mauritanian Network,  and its partner organizations, will not rest until they are held accountable to the full extinct of the national and international laws governing violent crimes against peaceful protestors.

 Signatory organizations:

-Mauritanian Network for Human Rights in US

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