July 25, 2024
Europe News Opinion Politics Southeast Asia

ABSURD! The case of Bologna’s Pakistani preacher, Zulfiqar Khan, is becoming increasingly serious.

by Giovanni Giacalone Not only the attacks on Jews, Israel, the United States, homosexuals, King Hussein of Jordan, MPs and unaligned Italian journalists, but also against a former Muslim Italian/Egyptian intellectual and MEP who converted to Christianity and who is under police protection. Why are the Italian authorities procrastinating a much-needed intervention? Khan’s events timeline […]

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Europe News Opinion Politics

Italy accuses Israel of overdoing it in Rafah, but it does nothing to stop pro-Hamas preachers on its soil

by Giovanni Giacalone “I have the impression that Israel is sowing hatred that will involve children and grandchildren”. These are the absurd words coming from the Italian Defense Minister, Guido Crosetto, who also added on SkyTg24: “Hamas is one thing, the Palestinian people are another. They had to discern between the two things and make […]

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Iran Israel MENA News Middle East Opinion Politics

What does the Biden administration know about Sinwar that It hasn’t told Israel?

by Giovanni Giacalone The Biden administration has reportedly offered to give Israel “sensitive intelligence” on the whereabouts of senior Hamas leaders if it agrees to hold off on the major military operation in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah. The Washington Post quoted four unnamed sources as saying that the United States “is offering Israel valuable […]

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Europe Iran Israel News Russia

Police Fails to Intervene with an Islamist Attack Against Jewish Demonstrators On Liberation Day in Italy

by Giovanni Giacalone Jewish demonstrators attacked in central Milan by Arab thugs on Liberation Day, preachers spreading hatred against Israel and Jews. Italy is not doing enough to prevent hatred towards the Jews. On April 25th, Italy celebrates the national holiday commemorating the victory of the Italian resistance movement against Nazi Germany and the Italian […]

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Europe MENA News Middle East News Opinion Politics

How Italy became a hotbed for Palestinian extremism and terrorism

by Giovanni Giacalone The ruling of the Appeal Court of L’Aquila which rejected the extradition of Palestinian terrorist and al-Aqsa Brigade ringleader Yaeesh Anan should not be interpreted as an isolated case, but should rather be included in a series of strange events that have occurred in Italy starting immediately after the October 7th massacre […]

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Iran Israel Middle East News North America Opinion Politics

Time limitations, negotiations, and ceasefires do not go along with the objective of eradicating Hamas

by Giovanni Giacalone US President, Joe Biden, recently told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a phone conversation last week that he would not support a year-long war in Gaza, since presidential elections are near, and asked Netanyahu to speed up the transition to low-intensity fighting against Hamas that would reduce harm to civilians. Israel is […]

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Europe Israel News Opinion

Despite Israeli warnings on Hamas activists, Italy seems hesitant to intervene

by Giovanni Giacalone On October 10th, just a few days after the massacre perpetrated by Hamas against Israeli civilians in southern Israel that included rapes, people burnt alive, as well as the abduction of over 200 people, including the elderly and babies (one just 9 months old), the main speaker at a pro-Palestinian demonstration that […]

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Europe Iran Israel MENA News Middle East News

Palestinian leader in Italy calls Hamas’ crimes against humanity “self-defense”. Pictures of him with Khaled Meshaal and Ismail Haniyeh only make things worse.

by Giovanni Giacalone In the afternoon of October 10th 2023 in Milan’s very central Piazza Mercanti, less than 100 meters from the famous Duomo square, a pro-Palestinian sit-in took place; one of the many throughout Europe that were organized against Israel’s military response to Hamas. However, something that did not go unnoticed is the fact […]

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GCC MENA News Middle East

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Anti-Semitism

by Jackson Richman The Egyptian cleric Youssef al-Qaradawi died last week at the age of 96. He was beloved by the Muslim Brotherhood, an anti-Semitic terrorist group. Founded by Hassan al-Banna in 1928, the Brotherhood’s anti-Semitism runs deep. It supported the Nazis and Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem who was a close […]

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