July 24, 2024
Europe Israel News Politics Southeast Asia

The imam of Bologna’s antisemite statements became an issue for the Italian government, but no action has been taken yet. Why?

By Giovanni Giacalone The case involving Zulfiqar Khan, the Pakistani Islamist preacher who, for months, has been using the pulpit of his Bologna-based Islamic center to spread hateful language against the Jews, the Israelites (a term sometimes used by extremists to avoid antisemitic accusations), the United States, Israel, and King Abdullah of Jordan, as well […]

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Europe Iran Israel Middle East Politics

Are the doors of anti-Jewish, anti-Israeli, and anti-US hatred still open in Italy?

by Giovanni Giacalone In December of 2021, an article that included documents, published by the Italian online newspaper “Il Riformista“, revealed new and dreadful information on the attack against the Great Synagogue of Rome on October 9th, 1982. The attack, perpetrated with automatic firearms and hand grenades by a Palestinian terrorist cell belonging to the […]

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Europe Israel News Politics

Major embarrassment: Bologna’s Pakistani imam hails Hamas from the pulpit and accuses President Biden of pedophilia. What are the Italian authorities waiting for to take action?

by Giovanni Giacalone On May 26th, 2024, the Pakistani Tablighi preacher of the Bologna-based Iqraa Islamic Center made a public statement, during a sermon, glorifying Hamas: “This little warrior, a group of people called Hamas. They made it clear to the world that these are cowards (Israel, Zionists), they can’t do anything against men, they […]

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Europe GCC Iran Israel MENA News Middle East North America Opinion Politics

HUGIN (und Munin): the alarming anti-semitism promoted by Iran-Saudi Old Guard (salafism) in Portugal

by João Emanuel Lemos Esteves The rampant anti-semitism in Portuguese society is growing stronger by the day – this trend has been especially significant since socialist-communist António Costa took over the Portuguese government in a broad coalition with far-left parties (namely, the Portuguese communist party). But António Costa is not only a socialist-communist politician – […]

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Iran Israel MENA News Middle East Opinion Politics

What does the Biden administration know about Sinwar that It hasn’t told Israel?

by Giovanni Giacalone The Biden administration has reportedly offered to give Israel “sensitive intelligence” on the whereabouts of senior Hamas leaders if it agrees to hold off on the major military operation in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah. The Washington Post quoted four unnamed sources as saying that the United States “is offering Israel valuable […]

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Europe Iran Israel News Russia

Police Fails to Intervene with an Islamist Attack Against Jewish Demonstrators On Liberation Day in Italy

by Giovanni Giacalone Jewish demonstrators attacked in central Milan by Arab thugs on Liberation Day, preachers spreading hatred against Israel and Jews. Italy is not doing enough to prevent hatred towards the Jews. On April 25th, Italy celebrates the national holiday commemorating the victory of the Italian resistance movement against Nazi Germany and the Italian […]

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Iran Israel Middle East News Opinion Politics

Israel is making all the wrong moves to please Biden, putting its own existence at stake

by Giovanni Giacalone A number of hostages are still in the hands of Hamas while its Gaza leaders, Yahya Sinwar and Mohammed Deif, are still in place and so are Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Meshaal in Doha, since Qatar is unwilling to expel them. No surprise, considering that Qatar is not a “mediator” as many […]

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Europe Israel MENA News Middle East Politics

The shady case of Yaeesh Anan, the al-Aqsa Brigade ring-leader active for years in Italy

by Giovanni Giacalone In early January of 2024, the Israeli authorities requested the extradition of al-Aqsa Brigades terrorist Anan Yaeesh, 37, originally from Nablus and a leader of the “Tulkarem Unit”. Israeli authorities had been after Anan for quite some time, since he first reached Europe, precisely Norway, back in 2013 where he tried to […]

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Iran Israel Middle East News North America Opinion Politics

Time limitations, negotiations, and ceasefires do not go along with the objective of eradicating Hamas

by Giovanni Giacalone US President, Joe Biden, recently told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a phone conversation last week that he would not support a year-long war in Gaza, since presidential elections are near, and asked Netanyahu to speed up the transition to low-intensity fighting against Hamas that would reduce harm to civilians. Israel is […]

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Europe Israel News Opinion

Despite Israeli warnings on Hamas activists, Italy seems hesitant to intervene

by Giovanni Giacalone On October 10th, just a few days after the massacre perpetrated by Hamas against Israeli civilians in southern Israel that included rapes, people burnt alive, as well as the abduction of over 200 people, including the elderly and babies (one just 9 months old), the main speaker at a pro-Palestinian demonstration that […]

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