July 25, 2024
Europe GCC MENA News Middle East Opinion Politics Russia

Islamists (HUGIN) take the reign: who are the Europeans helping the Saudi Old Guard, Qatar and Russia to neutralize the Crown Prince MOHAMMED BIN SALMAN?

By João Emanuel Lemos Esteves The Islamists are growing their influence right at the heart of the European Union power structures – with the full support of Russian intelligence services and Chinese Communist Party’s financial backing. Portugal is, at one time, a sufficiently discrete country and a nice one that people look at with tenderness – two […]

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Europe Iran Israel News Russia

Police Fails to Intervene with an Islamist Attack Against Jewish Demonstrators On Liberation Day in Italy

by Giovanni Giacalone Jewish demonstrators attacked in central Milan by Arab thugs on Liberation Day, preachers spreading hatred against Israel and Jews. Italy is not doing enough to prevent hatred towards the Jews. On April 25th, Italy celebrates the national holiday commemorating the victory of the Italian resistance movement against Nazi Germany and the Italian […]

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Africa Europe News North America Russia

Is a Private US Military Company Moving to CAR to displace Wagner?

by Scott Morgan The reports that the American Private Military Company Bancroft was having conversations with President Toudene of the Central African Republic regarding a potential move into the country.   There are several interesting and tantalizing questions that deserve to be asked. The first question is why now? There are two trains of thought […]

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Africa Opinion Politics Russia

The Niger Junta’s Hypocrisy on Military Aid: The Appeal to Guinea

by Scott Morgan When pertaining to sudden and often violent changes in government there is a train of thought that suggests that it’s not important who carried out the event but who paid for it. This scenario appears to be underway in Niger and it became quite clear after the Military Junta sent a delegation […]

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Africa Europe Opinion Politics Russia

Why the Coup in Niger Should Come As No Surprise

by Scott Morgan The events in Niamey that occurred on July 26th caught some analysts by surprise but if one looks at the situation in the Sahel as a whole one should not have been.   On that date Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum was seized by members of the Presidential Guard led by General Omar […]

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Europe MENA News Middle East Opinion Politics Russia

NATO Without Turkey

by Ioannis E. Kotoulas Is Turkey really needed as a NATO member? Does the cost of keeping Turkey as a NATO member begin to exceed the benefits of its inclusion? These questions, difficult as they may be, should be increasingly raised inside the Alliance. The issue is essential, especially as the U.S. on its own […]

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Caucasus China Politics Russia South China Sea Ukraine

Russia and China against the International Order Empires vs. Nation-States

by Dr. Ioannis E. Kotoulas Russia and China are two revisionist states that have employed various modes of subversion against their neighbors, ranging from open threats and economic warfare to full-scale invasion. The states of Eastern Europe and Taiwan in the Pacific Ocean are witnesses to this. In essence, we already witness the gradual emergence […]

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