July 25, 2024
Iran Israel Middle East News North America Opinion Politics

Time limitations, negotiations, and ceasefires do not go along with the objective of eradicating Hamas

by Giovanni Giacalone US President, Joe Biden, recently told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a phone conversation last week that

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Palestinian leader in Italy glorifies Ayyash the bombmaker and shares hateful rhetoric against journalists

by Giovanni Giacalone Palestinian leader in Italy glorifies Ayyash the bombmaker and shares hateful rhetoric against journalists Palestinian leader in

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Africa News Opinion

A Gamechanger in the Horn

by Scott Morgan The announcement made on New Year’s Day that Ethiopia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with

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Africa News Opinion Politics

What’s Behind the Mali-Algeria Fallout?

by Scott Morgan One of the best ways to describe events that took place in the Sahel was that the

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Europe Israel News Opinion

Despite Israeli warnings on Hamas activists, Italy seems hesitant to intervene

by Giovanni Giacalone On October 10th, just a few days after the massacre perpetrated by Hamas against Israeli civilians in

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GCC Middle East Opinion

Who Is The Real Defense Minister of Saudi Arabia?

Is the new Deputy Defense Minister Prince Abdulrahman Al-Muqrin a potential contender for the Saudi throne? by Irina Tsukerman Can

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Africa News Opinion Politics

Will Ghana Be The Next African Country To Undergo A Coup?

by Scott Morgan The Security Challenges in the Sahel are continuing the trajectory of moving southwards towards the Gulf of

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New Hate Crime Bill in South Africa Sparks Controversy

by Scott Morgan There is a piece of legislation in the South African Parliament that is creating some controversy as

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Europe GCC Iran Israel MENA News Middle East Opinion Politics

The enemy within and the lack of courage by the West: Why They Don’t Want to Touch the Islamists

by Giovanni Giacalone On Saturday October 21st massive pro-Palestinian demonstrations took place in London with slogans invoking “jihad”, the “Dawlat

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Europe Iran Israel MENA News Middle East News

Palestinian leader in Italy calls Hamas’ crimes against humanity “self-defense”. Pictures of him with Khaled Meshaal and Ismail Haniyeh only make things worse.

by Giovanni Giacalone In the afternoon of October 10th 2023 in Milan’s very central Piazza Mercanti, less than 100 meters

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